Saturday, January 20, 2007

Policestation.. SKATEBOARDING

Hey, Me and my best friend geert thought of making pictures of skating, in the dark...
When we where done and walked home, we saw the police station, and I decided that it was a GREAT skate spot!
The video ends with two coppers asking "guys what are we doing here"?
I'm SORRY that its really dark, the next one will be better, and IF they come again, we'll tape that too!


edit: ps. I also Made some pictures, here is one I just had to post:



Unknown said...

The end is brilliant. Those cops running outside, hahaha!

Unknown said...

Wat valt er bij het politiebureau nou te skaten? Ze hebben daar toch niets, dacht-ik, whaha..
Maar wel lollig natuurlijk, beetje sip dat het alleen zo donker is..
Whaha, wanneer heb je dit nou gemaakt? Gisteraaf? Whahaha.. Lol..

Annette Compier said...

It's only funny until someone gets hurt...
Then it's freakin' hilarious!!!

Haha, that was SO funny. To see those cops running to the door haha...