Monday, January 8, 2007


As some of you might know, my singing capacities are equal to some cat getting killed, I personally think its just "diffrent then normal singing", today at work me and a colleague (is that the right spelling?) sang very loud with some songs, and although the others didnt like it, we thought we were pretty good at it, so the lesson for to day is: Just sing, if someone throws things at you, its not that they want you to stop, its just a sign of appreciation for your singing!

=) have nice day!, Mark


Unknown said...

Whahaha.. Vast!

Trouwens, nog wat van een zeker persoon gehoord? Haha.. Vast wel.. Die persoon sprak mij vanochtend aan op msn, maar ik was al weg. Moest even een colablikje weggooien :)

Unknown said...

Singing is the shit!

Even when people say you can't. :P