Friday, March 16, 2007

Goat birth

hey y'all, today I saw a goat give birth of 3 little goats, I took some pictures of the last goat getting born, SO CUTE!
With his brother and sister

Offcourse, like always I've got a SLIDESHOW

Greets, Mark


Jennifer said...

I hope everyone is healthy along with this birth. My one nanny had her uterus tear and died with her birth of triplets about a month ago. It was so sad.

I have another nanny with twins. They were born on same day as the other nanny's.

Unknown said...

Ach, wat schattig allemaal.
Whaha, bij koeien heb ik het al zo vaak gezien. Tis vooral grappig als ze een poging doen tot staan.. Haha, helemaal wankel! Grappig! Maar euh.. kwam je deze geit zo opeens tegen ofzo?